Your QWERTY Is a Wonderland: John Mayer featured in new documentary about typewriters

Frank OckenfelsIf you heard that John Mayer was featured in a documentary about some sort of vintage collectible item, you’d probably assume it was either about guitars or watches, since the musician has a collection of both.  But as it turns out, John has an affinity for another vintage item: typewriters.

Variety reports that California Typewriter, a documentary about one of the last typewriter shops in America, will arrive in select theaters this summer, and will open the 41st Cleveland International Film Festival on Wednesday.

John is one of several celebrities featured in the movie talking about the joys of typing things on an old-fashioned machine.  One review of the movie says that in the film, the singer explains that he became intrigued at the permanence of words on paper after he saw a documentary showing Bob Dylan typing out his lyrics, and seeing other typewritten lyrics at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Tom Hanks, a noted typewriter enthusiast who has more than 200 machines in his collection, is also featured in the movie, as is playwright and actor Sam Shepard.

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